Southern Hills Church is committed to spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ around the world. It is our hope that you would partner with us as we strive to build an army for Jesus Christ through discipleship and service.
The world overflows with God's love, yet many cannot see His love. The pressures of this world blind them from realizing the freedom they could have in Christ. The world cries out for help, for direction, for love, yet very few hear this cry. The pleasures of this world deafen them from hearing the call to the ministry they could have through Christ. But there are a few who see God's love and hear the cry of His people.
Southern Hills supports 36 of these few. Our vision is to reach the world through missions! Our passion is to know our global partners and completely support their ministries through finances, prayers, and true encouragement. Our mission is to continue making disciples to accomplish the vision!
Here at Southern Hills, we not only want to support missionaries financially to accomplish God's work, we want to be involved in the work ourselves! God has granted each person different spiritual gifts; we want to embrace those gifts to be a greater blessing to our missionaries!
What about you? What are your gifts?
How can you make an impact around the world?
To find out more about how to become personally involved in World Wide Missions, contact your Southern Hills Missions Coordinator, Fred Murray!